This is an archive fan blog of Jerry Yan's series The Hospital/White Tower in 2005-2006. You'll find news articles, interview translations, fan site updates and videos.

Sources were credited and many thanks to all fans who helped us with translations and providing the links.

This is compiled by Jerry Yan Philippines

Note: Some links/videos/images were already expired/terminated since this was posted more than 10 years. We're doing our best to recover some media files. If you have questions or reactions, or you have watched this series, please feel free to leave a comment! Thank you!

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[2005] Filming again

Filming again
Thursday,June 2,2005.


No,Jerry yen didn't catch rumoured love Chiling Lin hosting the Golden Melody AWards last Saturday. The F4 star was too busy preparing for his first TV show in three years,medical drama White Tower. He plays a doctor, and singer Saya-sister of A*mei-a cancer patient. At a press conference on Tuesday to announce the start of the six-month shoot, he said he had holed up at director Tsai Yueh-hsun's place last weekend for 'men's talk' over the screenplay. Tsai first directed Yen in Meteor Garden,the 2001 show which shot both to fame. Yen said Tsai almost booted him from the drama because 'someone made sarcastic remarks' which led to a misunderstanding. But it was resolved after,yes, more 'men's talk'.

Source: Life!

Thanks to Chengxurawks of onlyf4 andvannesswu_ifc


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