This is an archive fan blog of Jerry Yan's series The Hospital/White Tower in 2005-2006. You'll find news articles, interview translations, fan site updates and videos.

Sources were credited and many thanks to all fans who helped us with translations and providing the links.

This is compiled by Jerry Yan Philippines

Note: Some links/videos/images were already expired/terminated since this was posted more than 10 years. We're doing our best to recover some media files. If you have questions or reactions, or you have watched this series, please feel free to leave a comment! Thank you!

Watch The Hospital Here


as posted by kkla @ nbbbs.com

According to Lian He Bao (Mar. 14), Director Cai and his wife are consulting the media whether WT's broadcasting time should be changed from 8pm to 9:30pm instead, as a large proportion of the 8pm audiences are the supporters of Taiwanese soap operas that it may not be good for WT's ratings if WT will be broadcasted at thist ime. However, Zhong Shi indicates that there is no opening for WT to broadcast at 9:30pm at this time and may be the WT team should consider broadcasting the drama in the summer, so there will be more student audiences during the summer break.

updates posted by kkla at nbbbs.com


When Director Cai went to HK for F4's concert, a fan met him at the hotel lobby. When the fan asked him when WT would be broadcasted, he answered summer. When the fan further asked him July or August, he answered that it should be June. I hope that it won't be postponed.

Thanks to jerry661145

A photo of Jerry and Xu An An was posted here:


According to kkla of nbbbs.com

Xu An An is funny. The picture was taken right after they finished the wedding scene. Under the picture, she wrote "My hubby. My very much beloved hubby."


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