This is an archive fan blog of Jerry Yan's series The Hospital/White Tower in 2005-2006. You'll find news articles, interview translations, fan site updates and videos.

Sources were credited and many thanks to all fans who helped us with translations and providing the links.

This is compiled by Jerry Yan Philippines

Note: Some links/videos/images were already expired/terminated since this was posted more than 10 years. We're doing our best to recover some media files. If you have questions or reactions, or you have watched this series, please feel free to leave a comment! Thank you!

Watch The Hospital Here

The Hospital Broadcast - China

Friday, July 20, 2007
The Hospital Broadcast - China
credits to yami@nbbbs.com

Good news. According to Shanghai's Xin Wen Wu Bao news, Dong Fang Wei Shi (Dragon TV) has bought the rights to TH and will definitely start to broadcast it this summer. Currently, the TV station is actively communicating with TH main actor YCX to come to Shanghai and promote the drama.

I believe the whole Mainland China can watch Dragon TV channels.

On the downside, the Philippines has no definite broadcast date for TH yet.

[daomisyel: some said, it is in the dubbing process ... am not that very much sure, let's wait for the official announcement soon...keep on waiting! hahaha!]


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